Facilities and Business Services

Supply Management

Supply Management plans, coordinates and develops products and services effectively, efficiently and at best value to Okanagan College.

We operate a centralized Purchasing Department which is located at our KLO Campus in Kelowna. This department manages the procurement of materials, supplies, equipment and services required by all Okanagan College campuses.

Faculty and staff at Okanagan College needing assistance with materials, supplies and equipment can find more details on the .

How to find us

P Building - P111 Okanagan College
1000 K.L.O. Road Kelowna,
British Columbia V1Y 4X8

Telephone : 250-862-5613
Hours : 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. - Monday to Friday
Email : purchasing@okanagan.bc.ca

How we do business

The Purchasing Department strives for economy and quality in buying its goods and services. Whenever possible, it encourages competition through the tendering process.

Emergency purchasing privileges may be delegated to departments at Okanagan College, but all purchases are subject to review by the Purchasing Department.

Okanagan College demands a high standard of ethics in conducting its business, and reserves the right to be restrictive in the selection of vendors where previous performance has not met these standards.

As a potential supplier, simply tell us your desire to participate and be prepared to show that you can supply the required goods and services. If you wish to have your company placed on the Okanagan College source list, please mail or deliver a formal request to the Okanagan College Purchasing Department outlining in detail those commodities you can supply along with your company's profile and complete mailing address.
Source lists are established and maintained by the Purchasing Department for the purpose of soliciting competitive bids as supply needs arise. They contain the names of reliable vendors and their commodities.
Sales representatives are advised to contact the Purchasing Department before providing pre-purchase consultation to individual departments.

The Purchasing Department invites competitive tenders/proposals whenever practicable, and purchases on the basis of the best value as a result of such competition.

The Purchasing Department does not normally invite tenders/proposals by public advertisement. The large number of items purchased and the hundreds of individual tender calls make the cost of public advertising prohibitive.  The present system ensures that all firms interested in tendering, and capable of supplying satisfactory goods and services, receive invitations to tender.
The estimated value of an order and the urgency of requirements determine the method of obtaining prices (verbal, faxed price inquiry or formal tender; proposal process). Once you are on the source list, invitations to tender or requests for proposal on appropriate commodities will be sent to you. Price invitations for emergency or standard low value requirements may be requested by telephone or facsimile.

In your desire to be competitive, do not overlook any special conditions such as packaging, marking or shipping instructions, etc., because once a tender/proposal is accepted, these conditions are assumed to be included and you will be obligated to perform in accordance with the tender/proposal. Ensure that you re-check your offer for accuracy and completeness before submission.

Completed tenders/proposals must be typewritten or handwritten in ink on the forms provided. They must include all required documents and be signed in ink by an authorized official of the company.

Price invitations which have been invited by telephone or fax may be submitted in the same manner as requested. Written confirmation may be required.

Tenders/proposals must be returned to Purchasing by the closing time and date, clearly marked with the name, address of the vendor, tender number and the title on the outside of the sealed presentation. They may either be posted (registered), shipped by courier (prepaid), or delivered by hand.

Proposal opening shall be held after the closing date and time of the issued RFP. All proposal openings are non-public and will be conducted by OC Supply Management Service staff and the evaluation team that is directly involved with this RFP.

After tenders / proposals are opened, specifications, price extensions, delivery dates, etc. are reviewed by the buyer. A purchase order is then prepared and signed by the approved authority. Purchase orders are issued and forwarded to the successful bidder.
Okanagan College reserves the right to reject in whole or in part any or all tenders.

The successful bidder or bidders will be notified as soon as possible after the tender/proposal closing.
Because purchasing techniques and procedures vary with the size and type of purchase, this award notice may take the form of a purchase order, standing offer or contract.

Official purchase orders and formal contracts are binding legal agreements between Okanagan College and the vendor to buy and sell specific goods, work or services for specific prices under specific conditions. Most goods are acquired by means of purchase orders, which specify exact quantities, precise delivery, and price arrangement.

However, select items may be made available to various Okanagan College departments by means of blanket order/standing offer arrangements, under which departments can order directly from qualified vendors. A standing offer contract or blanket order is raised with a vendor to deliver "as and when required" over a specific period of time, goods and services in quantities to be determined at prescribed prices or pricing arrangements.

Each item in any tender/proposal may be considered as a separate offer, and unless otherwise specified, the Purchasing Department reserves the right to accept all or any part of a tender/proposal.

Ensure that you provide any information and documents requested on the purchase order such as the Hazardous Material Safety Data Sheets or, if requested, evidence of Liability Insurance and Workers' Compensation Board coverage which must be provided before any work commences.

It is recommended that all material supplied to Okanagan College personnel is covered by a Purchase Order.
The Purchasing Department reserves the right conduct pre-award consultation with any tenderer without prejudice to any subsequent award or decline of award.

Any changes to or cancellation of a purchase award must be confirmed by written notice from the Purchasing Department.

Where the purchase award includes shipping, delivery and special or further handling of goods, these form an integral part of the purchase award.

Vendors must acquaint themselves fully with the local conditions of deliveries and ensure that delivery is made as expeditiously as possible and, unless otherwise specified, is effected by the most economical means of transportation.

Vendors must ensure that labels, shipping documents, etc., correctly identify the consignee and their location within the Okanagan College as per instructed on the purchase order.

Commodities must be supplied as specified on the purchase award document and in accordance with the terms and conditions shown.

Changes to any purchase awards are invalid unless authorized by the Purchasing Department prior to shipment. Any change to a purchase order will be made by a notice of correction or cancellation issued by the Purchasing Department.

Shipments must be made "F.O.B. Destination" except where specifically provided for in the purchase award document.  No "Collect" or "Consignee Risk" shipments will be accepted.

Inspection requirements are normally stated in the request for offer and purchase award documents. These may call for inspection in your plant or for an examination of your system of quality control.  However, in most cases, inspection is performed by the consignee upon delivery.

The Purchasing Department maintains and periodically reviews vendor performance files. At Okanagan College, a qualified vendor is one recognized as a competent and reliable source of supply.

Vendor evaluation is made on the strength of competitive price, quality of product, and service of the vendor.

Failure to rectify performance problems will undoubtedly affect future business, and could result in removing a company's name either temporarily or permanently from our source lists.

When billing Okanagan College, be exact in your description of the items and prices, and state the appropriate purchase order number, so that your invoice agrees with the corresponding purchasing document.

Discrepancies or insufficient information delays payment. Invoices must be submitted to the attention of Accounts Payable.

Payment will be made after the goods have been received, accepted, and inspected at the stipulated destination. Invoice terms are Net 30 unless otherwise negotiated by a member of Purchasing Services.

Okanagan College Purchasing Terms and Conditions

Current business opportunities

Any current business opportunities within Okanagan College will be detailed below. Please note that some opportunities are for specific campuses whilst others cover all of the Okanagan College campuses. If you are interested in these business opportunities, please complete the Invitational Expression of Interest and return to us by the deadline specified.

Food/Beverage Service Concession: Future opportunities will be posted here when available

Surplus sales and assets

There are currently no surplus sales.

Meet the team

Brad Piontek

Purchasing Manager, Financial Services
Office: E Building 505
Campus: Kelowna
Phone: 250-862-5614 ext. 5614

Gordon Stefansson

Bookstore - OC General
Office: Student Services Building 120A
Campus: Kelowna
Phone: 250-862-5622 ext. 5622

Kyleigh Williamson

Bookstore - OC General
Office: Student Services Building 120A
Campus: Kelowna
Phone: 250-762-5445 ext. 4675