Associate of Science Degree
Uncover the physical and material world through observation, calculation and experimentation. Take courses in biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, statistics, physics and astronomy that . Hone skills in mathematical and scientific reasoning, computer and technological literacy, research and evaluative skills, analysis, synthesis and integration of knowledge, as well as critical thinking and problem solving.
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- Kelowna
- Vernon
- Penticton
- Salmon Arm
- Full program offered
- Partial program offered
Associate Degree
Delivery options
Full-Time, Part-Time
- International students eligible
Tuition and fees
2024-25: $5,244.26 per year
This program is student loan eligible. View Financial Aid & Awards
Fees include all mandatory fees: Activity fee, Health & Dental, Student Association fee, Education Technology fee, Development fee.
Fees listed are for first year (two semesters) for a typical, full-time student taking 5 courses per semester (1 lecture-based course and 4 courses with lab components). Depending on the campus and the courses selected, fees may vary.
All amounts are approximate and are subject to change.
Program details
The Associate of Science degree is a provincial credential offered by many institutions in the BC Transfer System. The associate degree provides an educational experience that prepares students for life as an educated person, and lays a solid foundation for further study.
The associate degree curriculum consists of two years of university-level study in a variety of academic areas. É«É«É«ÇéƬ are required to complete a broad range of course offerings balanced with in-depth study in specific disciplines. Since many students will continue their studies, the requirements are sufficiently flexible to enable students to complete the required prerequisites for upper-level course work in their intended major. É«É«É«ÇéƬ will be exposed to a program of study that seeks to develop:
- an interest in and curiosity about the world around them
- an understanding of the global context in which they live and work
- an appreciation of intellectual thought and human creativity
- an openness to a variety of viewpoints
- a capacity for and interest in self-directed life-long learning
- an acceptance of the social responsibilities that come with the benefits of advanced learning.
In addition, the program of study should develop and improve those skills essential for academic success at an advanced intellectual level. They include but are not limited to:
- advanced reading comprehension
- effective written and oral communications
- mathematical and scientific reasoning
- computer and technological literacy
- research and evaluative skills
- analysis, synthesis, and integration of knowledge
- critical thinking and problem solving
- application of theoretical understanding to practice
- working collaboratively.
Degree pathways
Take your first or second year at Okanagan College then transfer to a university of your choice to complete your four-year Bachelor of Science degree. When you take our University Transfer courses, it’s as though you were studying in the same course at a university. Smaller class sizes mean you’ll receive more personalized attention from your instructors, helping you to succeed. This is why our students do as well or better than students who go directly to university. Save over $1,800 in tuition and fees as well as significant housing and transportation costs.
Book an appointment with an education advisor to determine your degree Pathway.
View pathways for each campus below:
Kelowna campus
First year: English, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Math, Physics, Statistics, Astronomy, Computer Science, Environmental Science
Second year (Associate Degree): Biology Emphasis, Chemistry Emphasis, Computer Science Emphasis, Mathematics & Statistics Emphasis
Degree: Bachelor’s Degrees across BC and Canada. If you want to transfer credits from a BC institution, visit the website to see what courses will transfer.
Vernon campus
First year: English, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Math, Physics, Statistics, Astronomy, Computer Science, Environmental Science
Second year (Associate Degree): Biology Emphasis
Degree: Bachelor’s Degrees across BC and Canada. If you want to transfer credits from a BC institution, visit the website to see what courses will transfer.
Penticton campus
First year: English, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Math, Physics, Statistics, Astronomy, Computer Science
Second year (Associate Degree): Transfer and complete the Associate Degree at OC Kelowna or Vernon campus or transfer directly to a university of your choice.
Degree: Bachelor’s Degrees across BC and Canada. If you want to transfer credits from a BC institution, visit the website to see what courses will transfer.
Salmon Arm campus
First year: English, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Math, Physics, Statistics
Second year (Associate Degree): Transfer and complete the Associate Degree at OC Kelowna or Vernon campus or transfer directly to a university of your choice.
Degree: Bachelor’s Degrees across BC and Canada. If you want to transfer credits from a BC institution, visit the website to see what courses will transfer.
Regional delivery of studies can differ according to the campus location, but the first year of study is available at every campus. Some courses are also available by online delivery and distance education and students can combine on campus courses with online and distance courses.
For help with course planning, book an appointment with an Education Advisor.
Campus | Start date | Schedule |
Kelowna | Sep. 03, 2025 | |
Penticton | Sep. 03, 2025 | |
Salmon Arm | Sep. 03, 2025 | First year and select second year courses offered, program can only be completed in Kelowna |
Vernon | Sep. 03, 2025 | |
Kelowna | Jan. 05, 2026 | |
Vernon | Jan. 05, 2026 | |
Salmon Arm | Jan. 05, 2026 | First year and select second year courses offered, program can only be completed in Kelowna |
Penticton | Jan. 05, 2026 |
Admission requirements
- B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent, or 19 years of age and out of secondary school for one year as of the first day of classes.
- English Entrance Requirement:
- English 12 with minimum 60% or .
- É«É«É«ÇéƬ who do not satisfy the English entrance requirement will be admissible to the first year of the Associate of Science program, subject to the following conditions:
- Registration is restricted to courses for which the student satisfies the prerequisites. Registration in first-year English courses is, therefore, prohibited.
- É«É«É«ÇéƬ must successfully complete the English entrance requirement, as stated above, within their first year of studies.
- Math Entrance Requirement:
- A minimum of 50% in any of:
- Pre-calculus Grade 12
- Principles of Mathematics 12
- Adult Basic Education
- Or a minimum of 64% on the Calculus Readiness Test
- É«É«É«ÇéƬ who do not satisfy the Mathematics entrance requirement will be admissible to the first year of the Associate of Science program, subject to the following conditions:
- Registration is restricted to courses for which the student satisfies the prerequisites. Registration in CHEM 111, COSC 111, MATH 112, and PHYS 111 is therefore, prohibited.
- É«É«É«ÇéƬ who do not satisfy the Mathematics entrance requirement are strongly advised to register in MATH 120 (Pre Calculus). Successful completion of this course will satisfy the Mathematics entrance requirement.
- É«É«É«ÇéƬ must successfully complete the Mathematics entrance requirement, as stated above, in their first year of studies.
- A minimum of 50% in any of:
- Secondary School Calculus:
- É«É«É«ÇéƬ enrolling for the first time at Okanagan College who have completed or are registered in a secondary-school calculus course are eligible to write the UBC-SFU-UVic-UNBC Calculus Examination. É«É«É«ÇéƬ who pass this examination with a grade of 50% or better will be given the option of receiving credit for MATH 112 with a grade equal to the grade obtained on the examination or taking MATH 112 for credit.
- There is an $88 non-refundable fee for the Calculus Examination. It must be paid to the sponsoring institution. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the sponsoring institution regarding the dates and locations of the examination, since these will change depending on the sponsoring institution. It is also the responsibility of the student to obtain a letter from the sponsoring institution stating the grade achieved on the examination. This letter is the document that Okanagan College will use to administer the policy.
- This policy applies to students who are enrolling at Okanagan College for the first time. A student who opts to take MATH 112 for credit cannot, at a later date, request that their grade on the Calculus Examination be used in place of the grade they received in MATH 112, even if the student withdraws.
Program outline
The Associate of Science Degree is granted upon completion of 60 credits of prescribed study (below). A student with an Associate of Science Degree if admitted to B.C. universities is guaranteed full transfer credit (60 credits) for the work done for their Associate Degree.
In two B.C. universities (SFU and UNBC), a student with an Associate of Science Degree will be offered priority admission to the Faculty of Science (subject to a minimum GPA determined by the university). Check the B.C. Council on Admissions and Transfers website for updated information on B.C. Associate degrees at .
Courses used to complete the Okanagan College Associate of Science Degree must have transfer credit to at least one B.C. research university (Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, University of Northern British Columbia, University of Victoria).
No course may be used to meet more than one of the specific requirements.
The Associate of Science Degree is granted upon the successful completion of the following courses:
Two of the following: ENGL 100, ENGL 150, ENGL 151, or ENGL 153.
MATH 112 and at least one other three-credit course in Mathematics. MATH 120 (Pre-Calculus) can be used for the second mathematics course, however, the student should be aware that some institutions will not accept this course for credit toward a science degree.
At least 12 credits (4 courses) from:
BIOL 111 or BIOL 121
CHEM 111 or CHEM 112
- CHEM 121
PHYS 111 or PHYS 112
PHYS 121 or PHYS 122
At least 24 other credits in Science, which shall include a minimum of six courses (18 credits) in Science at the second-year level taken in two or more subject areas.
At least two three-credit courses in Arts other than English.
At least two three-credit courses in Arts, Science or other areas.
A total of 60 credits (at least 20 courses) of first- and second-year courses with a minimum average of 60% calculated from all courses counting towards the Associate of Science degree.
Program specializations
As a means of satisfying all of the requirements outlined above for an Associate of Science Degree, the student pursuing a Biology Emphasis must complete the following specific courses.
As a means of satisfying all of the requirements outlined above for an Associate of Science Degree, the student pursuing a Chemistry Emphasis must complete the following courses.
As a means of satisfying all of the requirements outlined above for an Associate of Science Degree, the student pursuing a Physics and Mathematics Emphasis must complete certain courses.
As a means of satisfying all of the requirements outlined above for an Associate of Science Degree, the student pursuing a Computer Science Emphasis must complete specific courses.
As a means of satisfying all of the requirements outlined above for an Associate of Science Degree, the student pursuing a Mathematics and Statistics Emphasis must complete the following courses.
This university transfer program enables students to enter directly into year two or three of the Honours Bachelor of Science program in Oenology and Viticulture at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario. This undergraduate degree program in oenology and viticulture is the only one of its kind in Canada. The program provides students with a comprehensive scientific education and practical skills related to oenology and viticulture, as well as exposure to marketing and tourism. Graduates may choose to work in a vineyard or winery, pursue graduate studies, become researchers or owners and operators of a vineyard or winery.
The Oenology and Viticulture program considers industry experience to be an essential part of the students' preparation. In order to gain that experience, all students must complete three co-op work terms. Each student is required to do one work-term.
These work terms will be paid positions within the grape and wine industry. Most work terms are within Canada, however, suitable international work terms may be used to meet the program requirements. In addition to the current fees for courses and materials, co-op students are assessed administration fees. For more information on co-op education programs at Brock, please contact Brock University Co-op Programs Office at: .
É«É«É«ÇéƬ who have satisfactorily completed all or most of the courses listed below will be admitted directly to the Brock University Oenology and Viticulture BSc program. É«É«É«ÇéƬ in the Okanagan College transfer program must attain a minimum grade of 70% in all courses to be transferred.
É«É«É«ÇéƬ who have completed the courses listed in years one and two apply directly to Brock University for admission as a transfer student. Contact Brock University for entrance requirements. Application to Okanagan College is not necessary.
Courses to be completed at Okanagan College are listed below. Note that Wine 21 and VIT 22 are offered at the Penticton campus. First-year science courses are offered at Okanagan College campuses in Penticton, Kelowna, Vernon and Salmon Arm. Some second-year science courses are offered at the Kelowna campus and some may be offered at the Vernon campus. BIOL 241 and BIOL 311 are not offered at Okanagan College.
The Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute at Brock University also offers a Certificate in Grape and Wine Technology. This certificate program is intended for those students with a science degree or appropriate grape and wine industry experience who want to improve their academic background in this field. Contact Brock University for more information.
Brock University
Cool Climate Oenology & Viticulture Institute
St. Catharines, Ontario L2S 3A1
Telephone: 905-688-5550, ext. 4652
- Apply for admission to the Associate of Science Degree Program.
- Apply for admission to the Wine 21 and VIT 22 courses through Continuing Studies. Wine 21 is usually available via Distance Education and at the Penticton campus. VIT 22 is usually only available at the Penticton campus in the winter term.
Year 1
Year 2
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